Security forces have seized fresh pictures of Prashant Bose alias Kishenda — the No. 2 in the Maoist hierarchy — during a raid in Chhattisgarh recently. Officials engaged in anti-Maoist operations believe the pictures, found in a CD, will help hunt down Bose, who carries a reward of Rs 7 lakh on his head announced by the Chhattisgarh and West Bengal governments.
The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) seized the pictures of Bose along with Maoist literature during a raid at a Maoist camp. The forces also recovered a CD containing videos of the 2010 Dantewada massacre in which 76 CRPF personnel were killed. The Maoists had captured the entire operation on camera and a person was designated to record it, said officials.
The Maoists see the Dantewada massacre as one of their most successful operations. These videos, the security forces believe, were being used to recruit cadres.
“We have retrieved multiple photographs of Bose from CDs that were seized by us and have circulated them among all the security forces and state police forces involved in operations against the Maoists across the country,” said a senior official.
It was not immediately clear when exactly the photographs were clicked. It was also not known where the photographs were clicked.
Till date the security officials only had one close-up grainy photograph of Bose in their dossier. The fresh pictures, which are of finer quality, will held the forces to track down Bose.
Bose belongs to Jadavpur in West Bengal and is said to be aged around 65. A politburo member, he is second-in-command after Laxman Rao alias Ganapathy and reportedly heads the operations in the Bengal-Jharkhand-Orissa region. His wife Sheela Marandi, a member of the core committee of CPI (Maoist), was arrested in 2006.
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